Florida Municipality Finds a Better Analyzer through HF scientific

What the Client Needed

A Florida water municipality needed a new analyzer to continuously monitor free chlorine for their 20+ ground water treatment plants. They had used a well-known analyzer for years. However, due to the age of the devices and plans by the manufacturer to cease production of the model, the municipality sought an alternative. They wanted to try a new option to improve efficiency, reduce maintenance, and maybe even save money.

HF scientific Solution

Working with Lazenby & Associates, HF scientific offered a free demonstration of its CLX DPD-based chlorine analyzer and JAW reagent. The CLX was installed and JAW reagent provided at one of the county plants with the most potential issues with hardness, and both were monitored for over three months. A new model of their previous analyzer was also tested side by side with the CLX.

The HF scientific CLX proved to be easier to install, required less maintenance, and offered improved reliability compared the previous analyzer. The plant also evaluated a third option; however , after comparing all three, it was clear that the CLX performed the best.

Results (ROI)

The municipality chose the HF scientific CLX for its performance and low maintenance. The CLX was also the lowest capital cost alternative of the three systems and had the lowest cost of operation when considering maintenance, time, and parts.
The municipality will have a new cost-efficient, durable system that provides reliable, accurate chlorine monitoring for more than 20 ground water treatment plants.


Florida Municipality


Florida, USA


Municipal Water



Product(s) Installed:

Bill Lazenby
Lazenby & Associates, Inc.
This comparison project demonstrated once again the benefits of the HF scientific CLX chlorine analyzer. I’ve provided the CLX in Florida since they were introduced to the market, and I am very pleased to say that not one customer who has tried the CLX has wanted to turn back.