PWC (3-35CUFT)

Automatic Backwashing Carbon Filters for Chlorine, Taste and Odor Reduction. (3-35 Cu. Ft.)

Sales Channel: Wholesale

  • Highly effective backwashing media filtration systems
  • Coconut shell activated carbon media
  • For media bed sizes ranging up to 35 cubic feet
  • Flow rates: Up to 129 gallons per minute (950 lpm)
  • Ideal for removing chlorine, taste, odor, and color from water

Select options below to identify the UPC, Order Code, and Repair Kit for a specific PWC (3-35CUFT)

Approval/Certification Information

For product-specific approval information, please refer to the product’s specification sheet (see literature section above) or ask a Watts representative. Some certification agencies allow you to search by product name and brand.