
Meter Demand Progressive Water Softeners for Hardness Reduction, For Capacities Up to 1,050,000 Grains Per Tank

  • Easily select duplex, triplex or quadplex systems with flow demand staging
  • Model for capacities up to 1,050,000 grains per tank
  • Pre-engineered systems with up to 4 tanks in parallel for flow rates up to 1120 gpm
  • All systems have no hard water bypass pistons
  • Each softening vessel is complete with brine tank and meter
  • All systems have stainless steel in-line flow meters

Select options below to identify the UPC, Order Code, and Repair Kit for a specific HCP-300

Approval/Certification Information

For product-specific approval information, please refer to the product’s specification sheet (see literature section above) or ask a Watts representative. Some certification agencies allow you to search by product name and brand.