Flow Measurement and Balancing Valve for Hydronic Systems

  • Lockable hand wheel quickly and easily sets flow with no tools
  • Gauge reads flow directly with no external instruments, no calculations, no guesswork
  • Balancing turn-down ratio of up to 25:1 covers broad range design flow requirements
  • Models available in 1/2 inch to 2-inch sizes
  • Models: CSD-050, CSD-075, CSD-100, CSD-125, CSD-150 and CSD-200

Select options below to identify the UPC, Order Code, and Repair Kit for a specific iDROSET CSD

iDroset CSD Factory Testing and Calibration

Every iDroset CSD is 100% factory tested to a minimum accuracy of +/- 10% as per industry standard. Using the master meter method of flow measurement calibration, two Model ASAMG signal converters (+/- 0.5% accuracy) are used to establish the reference flow on the test stand to which the iDroset direct read-out is compared. The flow accuracy is measured at four points within the flow range rating of the model being tested.

Samples that do not pass the test are recalibrated by a factory technician and tested again. No iDroset leaves the factory until it meets the +/- 10% accuracy standard.

Approval/Certification Information

For product-specific approval information, please refer to the product’s specification sheet (see literature section above) or ask a Watts representative. For general information regarding any approval certification partners identified in the specification sheet, please visit our certification partners’ websites: